Friday, 4 December 2009
What about Bio-everything.
I would say it is a life style. It is an attitude of awareness towards yourself, the world that surrounds you and all of your relations.
It is much more than healing from all the wounds that were afflicted in the past and continue to bother our nowadays life. It is a wonderful way to enlarge your consciousness and in that way transform the old pain into new opportunities. People whom suffered from trauma, may be victims but they are also experts in understanding what trauma really is. They recognize it in other people but also in complex situations like environmental issues.
We cause trauma to nature, to our food and resources. So from the personal perspective we will learn to see the bigger picture and start to care. Resonance is an important aspect of Biosynthesis.
Did you ever resonate with the dead body of the chicken that you buy in the shop? Pufff.....
I do not say that you should be vegetarian, I’m not, but the meat of an animal that had a real life, walking around instead of being caged and fed has a completely different energy. You can feel and taste it. The animal had a life that was okay and then one day it was over. C’est la vie.
Did you ever taste the difference between a tomato that grew up in glasshouse on a bed of artificial soil, and a tomato that grew in the sun with the wind playing with the plant’s leaves?
There is a serious difference and the moment you understand, feel and appreciate that, then you become a bio-spiritual person. Biosynthesis means Integration of Life in the broadest sense of the word.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Symbiosis, how to let go.
Symbiosis is considered a primal stage in human development, where the child is completely depending on and psychological intermingled with the mother. After three months the child slowly starts to discover that he or she is an individual being that exists separated from the mother. It is not the mother, it is not the father, so it begins the process of creating an own identity. When it does not succeed in distinguishing the self from others, it becomes a pathological symbiosis, something we often find in therapy.
However, on a biological level, we are Mum and Dad because we grew from the fusion of their individual cells. Cells that were attuned to the electromagnetic pulses of their souls and that will keep attuning to their souls if the child is, somehow, not strong enough to direct the cells to attune to its own electromagnetic pulses. In that sense, creating an identity means, attuning to the frequency of your individual soul. It is like finding the right station on the old radio by running the pointer on the frequency scale. It also means that your “Basic Identity” is already there and waiting for new experiences to be lived. You just have to find it, recognize it and claim it as yours. For some people this can take a lifetime.
My mother died a few days ago and I was thinking and imagining what would happen to a person trapped in symbiosis. Its individual cells would still attune to the frequency of a soul that realizes that the body has died. Great distress, enormous confusion will be the result if the person is not able to manage to find its own frequency at that moment.
Often the death of a parent can help to find your own identity and in that sense, to be free at last.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
On Death and Dying.
From the moment we are born there is only one certainty and that is death.
That makes death not so interesting because one moment you are here and the next moment you are in death, whatever that may be. We can speculate on that share ideas and other people's experiences, but that is it.
Dying is a process and it is very alive.
Some people have never been more alive than when they were dying.
Suddenly the spark of life hits them with full force. They have bodily sensations, spiritual experiences like they could never imagine before. Often their lives have been a chain of self limiting events but suddenly they see the light, they have a glimpse of how life can be. Then when they wake up at the end of their lives, they don’t want to die. This will be a process of suffering and fear.
It was Krisnamurti who said; ‘Live your life in a way that you are willing to die every day.’
Dying is a very interesting process and not only for the person who is in this transformation but also for the ones that surround him or her.
Several of my love ones have passed away, a painful experience in the beginning of letting go and accepting but I realized that there is always a present for you in the dying process of the other.
That makes it very precious to be close to the departing one and have, if possible, an open communication that has the possibility for all your fears to be allowed.
But this communication also should be open to the intense moments of deep joy that can exist in this process. Transcendental sharing of powerful love and life.
Willing to die every day is not suicidal when you live your life focused and centered in the spiritual being that is you.
Willing to die every day means that you understand that the difference between life and death is the difference between two hands that meet.

Saturday, 17 October 2009
International Biosynthesis group
>Since a few days Milton Correa and Me are managing a new intiative called the international Biosynthesis Group.
The objectives are:
* On a scientific level to discuss ideas, visions, questions. To share articles, book reviews, new developments in the fields of psychotherapy, psychology, biology, philosophy, healing, etc. in fact anything that might be interesting to help us deepen our understanding of human existence. All these issues can be started by any group member.
* The promotion of workshops, congresses, training, etc. Please do that under the tab ‘News’. In this way we create a clear structure that divides the scientific discussions from the promotional part.
We hope to create a worldwide community of people involved or interested in Biosynthesis. The group will be open to trainers, therapists, students and anyone curious to know about Biosynthesis.
We would like to have your concordance that this group serves a scientific purpose and is a platform where we can meet people that have similar interests and the desire to develop Biosynthesis into a third generation therapy that will be available all around the globe.
We are going to need YOUR help to promote the group.
Go to and if you do not have an account, you can make it for free.
Then search in the groups for Biosynthesis and request to join.
Linkedin is a site for professional networking, so you can find lots of people with the same professional interest as you have.
Be welcome to join the Biosynthesis around the world adventure. Let's grow all together.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
It is best explained by the image of a hurricane. Life is like a hurricane, blowing us of our feet, at least, if you do not hide in a small corner.
Heavy rain falling, violent winds blowing, all kind of articles flying through the air and you need all your forces to secure yourself. Often the storm blows you off your feet. Life is like that for a person who is not well centered, not all of the time, of course, there are also times that are calm and everything seems to be allright. But when the hurricane comes you better start looking for the center.
The eye of the storm is a place where it is calm, the sky is clear, representing a spiritual connection and from where you are, you can see all the turmoil around you without being swept off your feet.
You are centered, not identifying with all the crazyness going on but you can see it. And while the hurricane or life moves on, you move with it, attuned to the eye and connected to earth.
Centering is like that, finding that calm and silent place within you. From there you can see all the illusion of superficial but violent movement around you that we call life.
You can see the repetition of useless patrons, going around in circles. all the time.
Centering is not, hiding in the corner untill the storm passes, but it is standing in the middle where you can hear your breath, feel your heart beat, relaxed and strong.
You need nothing more.
Friday, 7 August 2009
Grounding and Home video's

Grounding is one of the basic concepts in Biosynthesis.
In very simple words you can says that it means, 'understanding and being able to deal with the reality of your being in a situation.'
The Portuguese word is 'Rooting' like the roots of a tree that grow deep into the soil to nourish the tree and prevent it from falling down. But of course Grounding is not a rigid thing; a person can move, dance, walk or run well grounded, as we say.
And it goes further, a person can be well grounded in the way he or she speaks, choosing words that are to the point, explaining exactly what needs to be explained and dedicated to the listener, so he can understand what is being communicated.
So the opposite of grounding is moving and falling, talking and stuttering, explaining and not being understood, etc.
And we love it when it happens to other people than ourselves.
It started with Charley Chaplin and all the slapstick comedy guys and since we are able to record video we became the target of the exposure of the lack of grounding. The more the others fall and stumble, we shake with laughter.
The great success of the Home Video shows on television is that we see other people doing stupid things while we are sitting on the lazy couch looking full of fascination to a box with a glass front where light is projected.
Who has a lack of grounding?
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Even stupid people can discover things!
That may sound a little bit bold but it is a fact.
Two weeks ago I thought it would be a good idea to spray the bramble bushes with a herbicide. That was the moment in which I found out that the dogs had eaten my protection mask, they chew on anything. That’s where I turned stupid, although I am aware that some people would call me stupid just for having the idea of spraying.
So I decided to spray anyway and stay upwind. Well, that’s another big illusion because the wind always tends to shift the moment you take a deep breath. The next day I was sweating, feeling dizzy as if I had an enormous hangover, my heart was beating like a marching band and I had serious trouble focusing. How stupid can you be?
The next day I woke up with my lungs burning. I could feel them as if I was looking in a human anatomy book. I had to make an effort for every breath and at a certain moment I started to doubt my own optimistic prognosis. Where would this end?
Panic started to roll in like waves on a shore, every next time a little bit stronger. That was when I decide that I really had to see a doctor, make lung x-rays, consult the centre for poisoning, etc.
The most interesting thing was to see how the panic affected my energy level, it went down like a waterfall, leaving me exhausted.
It was funny because I was aware of the panic attacking me, I knew what to do and especially that I had to shut down my mind.
Thinking was like a rollercoaster going around with high speed, screaming and completely irrational. I managed to shut it down by walking very slowly through the hospital corridor looking at every little detail that I could find and stretching my spine while I, also very slowly, inhaled.
I am slowly recovering now and I realized that I learned that I cannot trust labels on bottles. It is considered a biological product that does not harm people or animals…..
Hello, are you awake ?
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Who am I?
Am I a dream?
Am I a useful member of society?
Am I illusion?
Am I the reincarnation of a King?
Am I soul?
Am I the reflection of the world around?
Am I light?
Am I the projection of my eternal spirit?
Am I body?
Am I the wish of my parents?
Am I breath?
Am I the result of Karma?
Am I love?
Am I a movie star on the stage of the world?
Am I sound?
Am I the creation of God?
Am I God?
Am I the dog that I stroke?
Am I touch?
Am I ever shifting souls looking for ascension?
Am I movement?
Am I the hero with a thousand faces?
Am I pure?
Am I you?
Am I me?
Am I One?
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Losing illusions
I do agree and I managed to see through some of the most interesting illusions of life.
It makes life in a certain way less painful, less suffering and it forces you to start looking more into interior experiences instead of drinking in all the excitement that comes from outside of us.
But losing illusions is also boring, it is like being the only sober person amidst a group a drunk, they laugh, do crazy things, nothing they say makes sense but who cares?
The next day they have forgotten all the nonsense they lived the night before but the sober person remembers it all.
Losing illusions creates emptiness, a big question mark that lacks the question that should go in front of it. It is a serious problem!
What to do with the emptiness?
Friday, 13 March 2009
Fun on a scoot mobile

I am in Holland at this moment. I am surprised by the number of people driving a state furnished piece of three wheel electrical transport for the disabled: The Scoot Mobile.
These vehicles are meant for physically disabled persons, they give you lots of advantages,you don't have to walk, carry your shopping's, they give you a social status, etc.
Looking at these thing I thought, what a wonderful society, taking care of those that have less options in life.
But then I saw them parking in front of the shops where nobody is allowed to park, they jump off the vehicle and hurry into the shop. Coming back they stuff the thing with shopping's and hop behind the wheel. Off they go.
At first I though, My GOD, this is a victim society. Then looking at their smiling faces I realized they were having lots of fun on a government sponsored device.
Fun on a scoot mobile, isn't it great.
I have seen them end up in ditches, almost drowning, banging into each other, trying to kill the pedestrians. It's a lot of fun and as a bonus you have all the attention from police, ambulances, firemen, etc. What more do you want when you are 65 ???
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Spirituality and the body
But I am talking about those who are only trying to fool themselves.
In that case we are talking about those who want to escape from the physical reality by claiming that enlightenment is the only reality that is worth living. Enlightenment, then, means flying high above the earth while you can still have your vegetarian meal every day, drink your glass of wine and have sex from time to time when the hormones start to boil in the body.Pretending that you are a holy person, looking down on everything that is material.
They are trying to escape from the body while this body in fact is a very solid projection of your spiritual being. True spirituality means including the body.
So, instead of having the body as a point of departure to become a spiritual being, it is the other way around. We are spiritual beings that are trying to incarnate a body, we are trying to experience Life in a body. But what many of us do is running away from the body as fast as we can, or torture it as if the body is a sinful object.
But our body is a result of our spirituality. It's the jewel in the crown and we only have it for a short while to treat it well and enjoy it instead of all the suffering. Suffering makes no sense, it is stupid.
I know that most religions preach suffering but they really do not know what they are talking about, they have no idea what spirituality means, so forget them and listening to your own inner voice. Love your body.
I do not say go and abuse your body in a attempt to enjoy it, no, not at all.
As there is a inner voice, there are also inner laws, real desires instead of those that we use for compensating all our suffering. Spirituality means living in resonance with these inner laws and express them through the body.
Our crown chakra is supposed to be the gateway to spirituality but once again, the body is the jewel in this crown.
Monday, 9 February 2009
Less is more.
It boils down to, instead of shooting all our therapeutic competences to the client, the therapist should enter in a state of mindfulness and resonance with the client. From there you can observe the tiny movements behind all the display of anger, grief and not knowing. You can hear the voice of a persons Soul expressing it true needs.
We can be angry and expressing this for the rest of our lives, but doing so we easily cover up these little hints from our essence.
A person can scream and shout but only when he stops, the shiny tear pops up in the corner of his eye.
It's no so difficult to make a step to nowadays life.
Excessive sleeping, working, food consumption, hectic relations and so on. They are all synonymous to anger or depression, which in the end is in fact Fear of Life. Often for well understandable reasons like abuse, rejection, etc. Still its fear and if we here also apply the concept of less is more, these lives would finally gain in quality and it would also result in creating a better understanding for those who have less then little, like the billion people suffering from hunger everyday. Their motto of course is, More is Better. And for a while that will be definitely true, until the Better grows to be TOO MUCH and then less is more again.
Funny how Life is always about finding a balance, it's dynamic, it's alive.
Monday, 2 February 2009
A simple diet
I do not tell you a secret when I say that the world is crazy.
Since Portugal has been invaded by the fast-food chains, the obesity rate has gone up enormous. In the old days people died with ninety years of age after a hard life. Most of them died with lung problems because they heated the house with open fire and no chimney.
Nowadays they die of a poor heart that is slowly strangled in excessive body fat.
With the burger and Mac’s and all the other tasteless junk came also the whole program of expensive and non-functioning diet systems. It’s big business.
But there is a simple diet, tasty, satisfying and available even for poor people, because it came from poor people. Now these people are stuffing their bellies with super polysaturated fat meat imported from the other side of the world while the secret grows in their backyards. The small garden behind the house where they planted carrots, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.
The Portuguese traditional fishermen food is prepared as follows.
Get some fresh fish and boil it in lots a of water.
When the fish is cooked take it out of the pan and put there fresh cabbage, fresh carrots and potatoes and let it stir until the potatoes are ready.
Slice some freshly cooked beetroot and half a onion.
Boil an egg from a chicken that runs in the backyard.
Now put it all together on a plate and sprinkle the whole scenery with chopped fresh garlic, fresh lemon juice and a good quality olive oil.
You can make lots of meals with the following keywords, fresh, home grown or organically grown, no other fat then olive oil.
Prepare this for yourself two or three times a week and after a while you feel disgusted when you enter a junk restaurant.
Bom appetite, said this Sinner
Friday, 16 January 2009
Tears in the rain
Looking for personal growth, Self-development is something that I admire in people that practice it in all their daily activities.
It takes courage to arise from mediocrity, to show your face to the world, trying to acknowledge your divinity.
Real spirituality is like tears in the rain. It’s there but it’s no very different from what is happening around. Most people do not even notice it is there. You could say that they are blind but I think they just look the other way, focus on other things. Until one day they find that they are in tears and no one else notices.
The interesting thing in personal growth is that we, Westerns, almost always look for quick solutions, something to get it done with, so we can move on. It is funny then to realize that this process is one that goes beyond life and death. Once we understand that we are in the middle of the process we cannot get out again. Some persons feel trapped but in fact we were more trapped when we were unconscious of our process, because even without being aware the process was always there. Panta Rhei. We were walking around like chicken without a head.
Do you also start to wonder what is my thing with chicken???
Tears in the rain, they roll down my cheeks, flow through the gutter to the open sea, evaporate into clouds, form raindrops that fall on my mountain and finally I will drink them, nourishment, life.
But I will also drink yours and you, mine. They all intermingle.
Can you imagine walking in the street, looking at strangers knowing that one day you will drink in their tears?
I am one of them.
Do not worry; there is no deep symbolical meaning behind this photo.
I just like it.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Band aids
In psychotherapy we see that people that are cruel towards others and themselves, often, are people that were wounded psychologically and in fact they are afraid of suffering the same trauma again and again. So, they unconsciously decide to cause trauma instead of being traumatized. Kill them before they kill me.
What they really need is recognition for their suffering and a sort of Big Symbolic Band-Aid, saying: “I am ill but taken care of.”
When I am in the streets or shops, happily I see lots of people that are okay but I also see lots of people with a face that should be covered with a band-aid. Faces that express fear, disillusion, frustration, anger, rage. All souls that were traumatized, one way or the other. They walk around like foxes in the henhouse and we don’t act.
Watching TV I see the same thing happening. Countries, terrorists, crazy people, killing and fighting, cooking explosives in a frying pan instead of preparing a healthy meal for the family.
Where are the bloody band-aids?
Now, in Germany the owner of the biggest medicine farm killed himself because he lost billions of euro’s and has no money to pay the workers. So, now we know, he was feeling guilty but the workers are still without money.
The only way is facing the music with a big band-aid on your head. Do not let it cover your eyes, do not let it cover your ears, do not let it cover your mouth, do not let it cover your heart.
I am ill but taken care of, wouldn’t that be nice?