Biosynthesis is much more than just another form of psychotherapy.
I would say it is a life style. It is an attitude of awareness towards yourself, the world that surrounds you and all of your relations.
It is much more than healing from all the wounds that were afflicted in the past and continue to bother our nowadays life. It is a wonderful way to enlarge your consciousness and in that way transform the old pain into new opportunities. People whom suffered from trauma, may be victims but they are also experts in understanding what trauma really is. They recognize it in other people but also in complex situations like environmental issues.
We cause trauma to nature, to our food and resources. So from the personal perspective we will learn to see the bigger picture and start to care. Resonance is an important aspect of Biosynthesis.
Did you ever resonate with the dead body of the chicken that you buy in the shop? Pufff.....
I do not say that you should be vegetarian, I’m not, but the meat of an animal that had a real life, walking around instead of being caged and fed has a completely different energy. You can feel and taste it. The animal had a life that was okay and then one day it was over. C’est la vie.
Did you ever taste the difference between a tomato that grew up in glasshouse on a bed of artificial soil, and a tomato that grew in the sun with the wind playing with the plant’s leaves?
There is a serious difference and the moment you understand, feel and appreciate that, then you become a bio-spiritual person. Biosynthesis means Integration of Life in the broadest sense of the word.