Saturday, 1 May 2010

Stay awake

The world seems to be going crazy. Suddenly all priests are pedophiles, the financial crisis is coming back again because the banks are still very greedy institutes, people die in natural disasters by the hundreds, Obama is going to be shot because he wants health-care for everyone, in the mean time oil spills threaten four USA states and all the wildlife on their shores.
We have so much horrifying information coming to us every day that it is hard to feel simply happy with a small good thing. We almost should feel guilty for having more than one simple good thing in our life.

All this information is like a big bombardment, people hide in neurosis, depression and craziness to avoid the impact of this all.

In this case closing your eyes will help you to stay awake, to focus on your core, on the things that really matter in your life.

Some people scream, "Wake up, wake, up, we're all going down together". In fact, that is a harsh lullaby to keep you in a big sleep. Waking up means closing your eyes to all these events and just sit still and enjoy the smell of spring coming through the open window.
Of course you can give some money to charity but after sending it, forget about all the good causes, just stay awake. Clear your head, clear your breath and simply humm....