>Since a few days Milton Correa and Me are managing a new intiative called the international Biosynthesis Group.
The objectives are:
* On a scientific level to discuss ideas, visions, questions. To share articles, book reviews, new developments in the fields of psychotherapy, psychology, biology, philosophy, healing, etc. in fact anything that might be interesting to help us deepen our understanding of human existence. All these issues can be started by any group member.
* The promotion of workshops, congresses, training, etc. Please do that under the tab ‘News’. In this way we create a clear structure that divides the scientific discussions from the promotional part.
We hope to create a worldwide community of people involved or interested in Biosynthesis. The group will be open to trainers, therapists, students and anyone curious to know about Biosynthesis.
We would like to have your concordance that this group serves a scientific purpose and is a platform where we can meet people that have similar interests and the desire to develop Biosynthesis into a third generation therapy that will be available all around the globe.
We are going to need YOUR help to promote the group.
Go to http://www.linkedin.com/ and if you do not have an account, you can make it for free.
Then search in the groups for Biosynthesis and request to join.
Linkedin is a site for professional networking, so you can find lots of people with the same professional interest as you have.
Be welcome to join the Biosynthesis around the world adventure. Let's grow all together.