Grounding is one of the basic concepts in Biosynthesis.
In very simple words you can says that it means, 'understanding and being able to deal with the reality of your being in a situation.'
The Portuguese word is 'Rooting' like the roots of a tree that grow deep into the soil to nourish the tree and prevent it from falling down. But of course Grounding is not a rigid thing; a person can move, dance, walk or run well grounded, as we say.
And it goes further, a person can be well grounded in the way he or she speaks, choosing words that are to the point, explaining exactly what needs to be explained and dedicated to the listener, so he can understand what is being communicated.
So the opposite of grounding is moving and falling, talking and stuttering, explaining and not being understood, etc.
And we love it when it happens to other people than ourselves.
It started with Charley Chaplin and all the slapstick comedy guys and since we are able to record video we became the target of the exposure of the lack of grounding. The more the others fall and stumble, we shake with laughter.
The great success of the Home Video shows on television is that we see other people doing stupid things while we are sitting on the lazy couch looking full of fascination to a box with a glass front where light is projected.
Who has a lack of grounding?