One interesting concept in Biosynthesis is that Less is More.
It boils down to, instead of shooting all our therapeutic competences to the client, the therapist should enter in a state of mindfulness and resonance with the client. From there you can observe the tiny movements behind all the display of anger, grief and not knowing. You can hear the voice of a persons Soul expressing it true needs.
We can be angry and expressing this for the rest of our lives, but doing so we easily cover up these little hints from our essence.
A person can scream and shout but only when he stops, the shiny tear pops up in the corner of his eye.
It's no so difficult to make a step to nowadays life.
Excessive sleeping, working, food consumption, hectic relations and so on. They are all synonymous to anger or depression, which in the end is in fact Fear of Life. Often for well understandable reasons like abuse, rejection, etc. Still its fear and if we here also apply the concept of less is more, these lives would finally gain in quality and it would also result in creating a better understanding for those who have less then little, like the billion people suffering from hunger everyday. Their motto of course is, More is Better. And for a while that will be definitely true, until the Better grows to be TOO MUCH and then less is more again.
Funny how Life is always about finding a balance, it's dynamic, it's alive.