I am in Holland at this moment. I am surprised by the number of people driving a state furnished piece of three wheel electrical transport for the disabled: The Scoot Mobile.
These vehicles are meant for physically disabled persons, they give you lots of advantages,you don't have to walk, carry your shopping's, they give you a social status, etc.
Looking at these thing I thought, what a wonderful society, taking care of those that have less options in life.
But then I saw them parking in front of the shops where nobody is allowed to park, they jump off the vehicle and hurry into the shop. Coming back they stuff the thing with shopping's and hop behind the wheel. Off they go.
At first I though, My GOD, this is a victim society. Then looking at their smiling faces I realized they were having lots of fun on a government sponsored device.
Fun on a scoot mobile, isn't it great.
I have seen them end up in ditches, almost drowning, banging into each other, trying to kill the pedestrians. It's a lot of fun and as a bonus you have all the attention from police, ambulances, firemen, etc. What more do you want when you are 65 ???