In Biosynthesis we work with the field of intentionality, this is something like the morphogenetic fields of Rupert Sheldrake. I had a nice conversation with our trainer Estela about this field. When I got home something interesting happened the next day......................
We have one rooster and 13 hens, one is white the rest is brown.
I said, okay, but we won't kill the white hen!
When I entered the henhouse all the chicken ran away, except the white one, she stayed close to me and did not show any sign of fear.
Then I caught two good chicks and we killed them.
A few hours later I noticed that the other brown chicken were becoming pale like their feathers were painted with aquarelle and it fades away in the rain.
I turned to Manuela and said, do you think I am getting delirious but she confirmed my observation. They were turning white, at least they were trying to.
I went to the henhouse and they all ran away except the white one, the white one knew that I did not have the intention to kill here and serve for supper.
I know some of you won't like this story because of me killing the girls but that's life.
What is interesting is that our intentions, conscious and unconscious are available for others to read and probably travel through space and time.
Now, its one month later and the chicken never recovered their beautiful brown colour.........
strange story but true