Today I am in a writing mood.
I share a little secret with you, it’s only to avoid other things that I should be doing but do not fancy at this moment.
The world is my oyster, I do whatever I like to.
Sometime ago I already talked about the fact that everything is or should be pulsating. From the smallest cell in your body to the whole of the immense cosmos, always expanding and shrinking.
This is not only true for living things that we can sort of touch or see but also for thoughts, cultural movements, religion, anything.
If the pulsation is limited or even frozen, there will be sickness soon.
I woke up thinking about the Islamic invasion of the western world, as some, every time more, people call it. I realized that the rise and downfall of religion is a clear example of the pulsation law.
For centuries the Catholic religion has dominated the world, the very essence of this religion (of any religion) contains truth. Instead of only valuing this truth, the people started to value power. They started to rape, murder and violate others just to expand the religion in the name of God and subsequently gain more power. Millions were killed in these processes of Christening.
Such a paradox, because God is supposed to be Love.
With all this misuse and abuse it is predictable that the interest in and influence of, this religion is going down. The law of pulsation says that if something shrinks, something else will start to expand. It is a natural life process.
Therefore the Islam is expanding, as well as, more alternative new age thinking on religion. People complaining about the expansion of the Islam should realize that this was made possible, only, because of the abuse in the Catholic religion. If they had valued the true essence, instead of allowing the corrupt to take the rudder, what would the world look like today?
If you want to talk of blame, what is there to learn?
Of course, we can see the same thing happing in the Islam.
It is growing, expanding but the preaching of hatred and violence, discrimination is already preparing its downfall that will come maybe in a few hundred years, who knows.
There is always room the make a constructive shift.
In the meantime, for everyone, it is important to protect your own essential identity, instead of turning to rejection and discrimination.
Include others without adapting to them, make your boundaries clear without violating the boundaries of others, let your voice be heard without shouting down the other. Look at others as if you were looking at yourself, what good do you see and is there to learn for each of us?
The world is your oyster, step inside with respect for the pearl that is growing.