Saturday, 25 December 2010

The true spirit of Christmas.

Jingle bells, shining lights, presents and Santa Claus in his red suite (invented by Coca Cola).

The media give us an image of a neurotic ‘I love you all’ event, once a year. Many people stick to that but of course the true spirit of Christmas is something very different.

The true spirit has to do with reflecting, exploring the darkness and shadows of your soul and see how to bring light in there.
What happened during the last year that made you close your heart, what happened during your life that made you tough on yourself and others. Reflecting on these matter and next share them with the people you love. That is the true spirit of the sharing of presents with Christmas. Connecting on a deep level with yourself and from there with others, being vulnerable, open and receptive, willing to give yourself and receive the others just the way they are.

Find people that are willing to share this Christmas spirit with you. You may find them in unexpected places while you may find that the ones you really would like to share with are not available. Just focus on yourself, be like a Christmas tree, right up, with light and beauty for those who want to look at it.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Friday, 3 December 2010

Therapy & Coaching (part 2)

Therapy is integrating the past into the present.
It means giving a name to all the animals in your dark forest. Acknowledging everything that was always ignored, allowing the pain of the Past into the Now. No need to push it away.
Shedding all the tears that were never shed.

Coaching is using this experience to redefine your future relation with others but above all, with yourself.
Changing your goals in accordance with a new perspective of yourself.
Adopting more adequate values for those that we left in the therapeutic process.

Therapy is cleaning your garden, turning the soil around and taking the weeds out.
Coaching is deciding what flowers or vegetables you want, what is the right moment for planting and when it will be time to harvest.