Sunday, 16 May 2010

Integrating the Underworld

Biosynthesis can be a journey to realize your biggest potential.

When we speak of Essence in Biosynthesis, for me, we speak of the potential to realize the divine within us. Enter in contact with the God or Goddess within.

That may sounds pretentious but I believe that each of us can discover that our deepest and maybe final desire is exactly this longing for divinity. For most people it is already hard to admit that we are divine creatures, see the reflection in our society. Once we contact that particular desire we have to find the courage to go on a journey into our underworld.

Dwelling in our shadows, in the claustrophobia of repressed emotions and soul expressions to find the burning ruby that is the symbol for passion and embrace for Life in its total existence. With the glow of the ruby you can find the Horn of Plenty, owned by Hades. Discovering this horn within yourself means revealing all your potential.

Only then we can climb the stairs towards the light and join the two polarities of our Being.

Saturday, 8 May 2010


One of the latest concepts of modern therapy is Mindfulness.
It is discovered and brought to us as a good tool to achieve concentration and inner peace.
The funny thing is that Mindfulness exists for thousands of years in Zen traditions and it is a way to achieve ultimate focus in non-being , or illumination.
Practicing Mindfulness is like the positive affirmations, the more you recite that you are only a miracle of love, the more your shadow side will bang on the door to be seen. In this way it will help us to bring light to our shadow and balance or integrate our being. Most of our shadow is unconscious, therefore shining a little light there will make us aware of its existence.
Mindfulness or Zazen, as it may be called in the ancient practice, has a same sort of effect.
The more we practice unity and inner peace, the more it will help us understand how restless we really are in the western world.
It is a journey into the realm of our Soul and our responses to an ever more dynamic or challenging world.
Mindfulness, a mind full of nothingness.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Compassion Meditation

What is compassion?
Compassion is a human emotion prompted by the pain of others. More vigorous than empathy, the feeling commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering. It is often, though not inevitably, the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism.

Next to relieving the pain of others, compassion can be a strong tool to learn about yourself.
Most of the time when we are hit by the lighting of compassion, what we want to do is save the other from its own destiny.
Much more interesting is to meditate on that person and see, feel and understand what is going on inside yourself, than, who were you trying to save?

The meditation is as follows:

  • Sit anywhere in a public place, just sit and breathe slow and deep, start looking around, just observing.
  • A certain person will attract your attention.
  • Without judging, observe that person closely, see how he or she is dressed, the way he or she moves, look at all the details, etcetera.
  • Observe the thoughts that run through your head without judging them, let them come and go.
  • Now, start to wonder, if I were dressed like that, how would I feel? If I said a thing with a voice like that, how would I feel, and so on.
  • Slowly you’ll be getting to the essence of that unknown person and with it you’ll be getting to your own essence, otherwise you will bang against your defense.
  • If you, like this, connect to your own essence, peace will enter into your system. Probably the need to save will be reduced.
  • If you fall into judging you will start to dislike the person you wanted to save in the first place. Realize how important this unknown person has become to you. Observe her or him even closer and identify with all you see and feel.
  • Thank the unknown person in silence and just observe your emotions.


Saturday, 1 May 2010

Stay awake

The world seems to be going crazy. Suddenly all priests are pedophiles, the financial crisis is coming back again because the banks are still very greedy institutes, people die in natural disasters by the hundreds, Obama is going to be shot because he wants health-care for everyone, in the mean time oil spills threaten four USA states and all the wildlife on their shores.
We have so much horrifying information coming to us every day that it is hard to feel simply happy with a small good thing. We almost should feel guilty for having more than one simple good thing in our life.

All this information is like a big bombardment, people hide in neurosis, depression and craziness to avoid the impact of this all.

In this case closing your eyes will help you to stay awake, to focus on your core, on the things that really matter in your life.

Some people scream, "Wake up, wake, up, we're all going down together". In fact, that is a harsh lullaby to keep you in a big sleep. Waking up means closing your eyes to all these events and just sit still and enjoy the smell of spring coming through the open window.
Of course you can give some money to charity but after sending it, forget about all the good causes, just stay awake. Clear your head, clear your breath and simply humm....