Sunday, 22 February 2009

Spirituality and the body

There is a thing called false or fake spirituality. Jesus already talked about it when he chased the priests out of the temple. They were trying get power and material enrichment by fooling the believers.
But I am talking about those who are only trying to fool themselves.
In that case we are talking about those who want to escape from the physical reality by claiming that enlightenment is the only reality that is worth living. Enlightenment, then, means flying high above the earth while you can still have your vegetarian meal every day, drink your glass of wine and have sex from time to time when the hormones start to boil in the body.Pretending that you are a holy person, looking down on everything that is material.
They are trying to escape from the body while this body in fact is a very solid projection of your spiritual being. True spirituality means including the body.

So, instead of having the body as a point of departure to become a spiritual being, it is the other way around. We are spiritual beings that are trying to incarnate a body, we are trying to experience Life in a body. But what many of us do is running away from the body as fast as we can, or torture it as if the body is a sinful object.
But our body is a result of our spirituality. It's the jewel in the crown and we only have it for a short while to treat it well and enjoy it instead of all the suffering. Suffering makes no sense, it is stupid.
I know that most religions preach suffering but they really do not know what they are talking about, they have no idea what spirituality means, so forget them and listening to your own inner voice. Love your body.

I do not say go and abuse your body in a attempt to enjoy it, no, not at all.
As there is a inner voice, there are also inner laws, real desires instead of those that we use for compensating all our suffering. Spirituality means living in resonance with these inner laws and express them through the body.
Our crown chakra is supposed to be the gateway to spirituality but once again, the body is the jewel in this crown.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Less is more.

One interesting concept in Biosynthesis is that Less is More.
It boils down to, instead of shooting all our therapeutic competences to the client, the therapist should enter in a state of mindfulness and resonance with the client. From there you can observe the tiny movements behind all the display of anger, grief and not knowing. You can hear the voice of a persons Soul expressing it true needs.
We can be angry and expressing this for the rest of our lives, but doing so we easily cover up these little hints from our essence.
A person can scream and shout but only when he stops, the shiny tear pops up in the corner of his eye.

It's no so difficult to make a step to nowadays life.
Excessive sleeping, working, food consumption, hectic relations and so on. They are all synonymous to anger or depression, which in the end is in fact Fear of Life. Often for well understandable reasons like abuse, rejection, etc. Still its fear and if we here also apply the concept of less is more, these lives would finally gain in quality and it would also result in creating a better understanding for those who have less then little, like the billion people suffering from hunger everyday. Their motto of course is, More is Better. And for a while that will be definitely true, until the Better grows to be TOO MUCH and then less is more again.
Funny how Life is always about finding a balance, it's dynamic, it's alive.

Monday, 2 February 2009

A simple diet

I do not tell you a secret when I say that the world is crazy.
Since Portugal has been invaded by the fast-food chains, the obesity rate has gone up enormous. In the old days people died with ninety years of age after a hard life. Most of them died with lung problems because they heated the house with open fire and no chimney. 
Nowadays they die of a poor heart that is slowly strangled in excessive body fat.

With the burger and Mac’s and all the other tasteless junk came also the whole program of expensive and non-functioning diet systems. It’s big business.

But there is a simple diet, tasty, satisfying and available even for poor people, because it came from poor people. Now these people are stuffing their bellies with super polysaturated fat meat imported from the other side of the world while the secret grows in their backyards. The small garden behind the house where they planted carrots, beans, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.

The Portuguese traditional fishermen food is prepared as follows.

Get some fresh fish and boil it in lots a of water.
When the fish is cooked take it out of the pan and put there fresh cabbage, fresh carrots and potatoes and let it stir until the potatoes are ready.
Slice some freshly cooked beetroot and half a onion. 
Boil an egg from a chicken that runs in the backyard.
Now put it all together on a plate and sprinkle the whole scenery with chopped fresh garlic, fresh lemon juice and a good quality olive oil.

You can make lots of meals with the following keywords, fresh, home grown or organically grown, no other fat then olive oil.

Prepare this for yourself two or three times a week and after a while you feel disgusted when you enter a junk restaurant.

Bom appetite, said this Sinner 
