Dear friends,
I am worried.
Biosynthesis is looking for the essence of a person and trying to (re)connect to our essential being. This is a process of exploring in a respectful manner, searching for the true values and resources of a person, in order to reveal and maintain them.
Our vision in relation to ecology is not different. Our natural environment is a reflection of our essential values or the lack of the values in case of disconnection. Nature is a powerful teacher for those who want to learn, it is also a sustainable source of energy for the human being, flora and wildlife. We, human beings, are part of nature and the cycles. We are not above nature, if we destroy nature we will eventually destroy mankind. We will create an unlivable world for our children and grandchildren.
A lot of destruction comes from governments allowing people to prospect natural resources in a destructive way, only because of short time, big profits. Money in some greedy hands. Look at the rainforests all over the world, they provide our lungs with the essential oxygen.
These disasters are happening on huge scale but they always begin on a small scale and we often have the illusion that the small scale thing is not really a problem, but it is because it will spread like cancer causing death and destruction, unless we change our approach of what is important in life.
At this moment the Portuguese government is considering to approve an open mining project to a private company. This means destructing the face of an ecological area, pollution all around, killing all sustainable tourism activities. This area is home of the Iberian Lynx and the Bonelli Eagle, beautiful creatures but there are also people living in the area. We all know that most private companies only care about profit and they do not give a damn about the environment, after exploring and taking all that is profitable they will leave it for dead.
Please help us defend and preserve the natural beauty of the Monchique mountains in the Algarve, Portugal.
sign the petition, thanks a lot.