Thursday, 12 November 2009

Symbiosis, how to let go.

Symbiosis is considered a primal stage in human development, where the child is completely depending on and psychological intermingled with the mother. After three months the child slowly starts to discover that he or she is an individual being that exists separated from the mother. It is not the mother, it is not the father, so it begins the process of creating an own identity. When it does not succeed in distinguishing the self from others, it becomes a pathological symbiosis, something we often find in therapy.

However, on a biological level, we are Mum and Dad because we grew from the fusion of their individual cells. Cells that were attuned to the electromagnetic pulses of their souls and that will keep attuning to their souls if the child is, somehow, not strong enough to direct the cells to attune to its own electromagnetic pulses. In that sense, creating an identity means, attuning to the frequency of your individual soul. It is like finding the right station on the old radio by running the pointer on the frequency scale. It also means that your “Basic Identity” is already there and waiting for new experiences to be lived. You just have to find it, recognize it and claim it as yours. For some people this can take a lifetime.

My mother died a few days ago and I was thinking and imagining what would happen to a person trapped in symbiosis. Its individual cells would still attune to the frequency of a soul that realizes that the body has died. Great distress, enormous confusion will be the result if the person is not able to manage to find its own frequency at that moment.
Often the death of a parent can help to find your own identity and in that sense, to be free at last.